Texto de autoria de Aalceu Natali com direito autoral protegido pela Lei 9610/98.
The haughty king had all
that, A bag of chips, and his nabob life, Without rhyme or reason, The only two
subjects, Taking the places of morticians, Mourners, Pallbearers, Gravediggers,
Mass attendants of the seventh days, Pilgrims of the November 2nd deads, Now
foot the bills, With nothing left, Not even a quarter to light a single candle,
Not even a pale oblation of flickering light to God, The devil´s got a lot of
them, In excess, All red and black, He gives them away, It pleases him a death
that will not kidnap, At his zeal, His agreement with the deceased, Thus he
deposits his stakes in the deathwatch of the sold soul, Not to give the tiniest
chance to his arch enemy, He saturates the guard and the sentry with many
red-headed vultures, Gifts that a potentate sends to another one, Sovereign
keepsakes, The song chosen by the defunct echoes in distant ears, As if it is
coming from an ancient greek theater accustics, It booms with stridence that
annoys the two women, Thus it is hushed, Leaving room to the sound of silence,
Stanching all nature voices, Like a landed UFO, In its loneliness we do not
know, And this evening will be shortened, Antecipating the burial, For the
account of faltering sleepness, and imprudent absences, Except for an intruder,
Who remains invisible, And all he gets from the boomer is an indifferent look,
Since in life, He did not notice the multiple bankruptcy of a foolish, And in
the end, His replies to prayers were never heard, So the long-suffering whiners
have nothing else to do but improvise a gregorian chant as their farewell, That
moves the deuce, And as a sign of cynic respect, He lies his lips on the
moribund´s forehead, And a stink of carrion spreads across the surroundings,
Like the odor of a corpse rotting six feet under, Just another departed one who
was never part of any statistics, How many ordinary citizens of the ancient
roman empire died without a name? All of them! How many slaves to the glorious
Athens went down to the annals of history? None of them! How many servers and
usupers of the present days will continue existing for posterity?