Texto de autoria de Alceu Natali com direito autoral protegido pela Lei 9610/98. LEIA O TEXTO AO SOM DA MÚSICA DO VÍDEO POSTADO NO FIM. Sem ela, a vida seria um erro (Friedrich Nietzsche)
Aurora da religião
Deus fêmeo
Egeu berço da civilização
Áspide e o feminino gêmeo
Sapiência eminente
Rosto de mulher
Cabelo de serpente
Do Éden a Lúcifer
Luz do conhecimento à humanidade
Fim da ignorância manipuladora
Medusa guardiã e protetora
Afugenta toda a maldade
Ananta domina meu tempo e a minha imensidão
Kundalini interioriza minha alma varonil
Per-uatchet dá luz à minha criação
Nehushtan proteja-me contra o veneno viril
Seraph fertiliza meu solo e torna-me angelical
Apep quer lançar-me no caos e na obscuridade
Khumbaba quer amedrontar-me no matagal
Ouroboros morde a cauda das duas e me dá eternidade
Ad te clamamus
Exules filii Evae
Ad te suspiramos
Gementes et flentes
In hac lacrimarum valle
Ariadne, Cessair, Eumenides, Kurukulla, Sophia, Uncegila, Radha, Matangi, Brighid, Luna, Maat, Ambika, Beltia, Daena, Themis, Pandora, Nerthus, Sarasvati, Ragnell, Minerva, Hecate, Demeter, Hel, Surabhi, Iris, Kamala, Machig Lapodron, Horae, Astarte, Danu, Eumonia, Tellus Mater, Aditi, Lakshmi, Dorge, Marcha, Kwan Yin, Oshun, Nemesis, Sheela Na Gig, Tiamat, Varjayogini, Cailleach, Artemis, Dzalarhons, Dakini, Neith, Bona Dea, Tara, Hestia, Zoe, Isis, Amaterasu, Lilith, Cybele, Modron, Ereshkigal, Oya, Hathor, Sekmet, Innana, Ukemochi, Kawadi, Angerboda
Tua sunt ubera
Vino redolentia
Candor superat
Lac et Lília
Odor flores vincit
Et balsama
O clemens, o pia,
O dulcis Maria
Kore, Nymphe
Meter, Maia
Salome, Rabbetna Salome, Baalet Salome, Tanit Salome, Anaitis Salome, Astarte Salome, Dercerto Salome, Astoreth Salome, Mylitta Salome, Athara Salome, Elissa Salome, Tiratha Salome, Rabbetna Salome, Baalet Salome, Tanit Salome, Anaitis Salome, Astarte Salome, Dercerto Salome, Astoreth Salome, Mylitta Salome, Athara Salome, Elissa Salome, Tiratha Salome, Rabbetna Salome, Baalet...
I have kissed thy mouth, Jokanaan, There was a bitter taste of blood, I have tasted thy lips, Jokanaan, There was a gorgeous taste of love, I have seen thine eyes, Jokanaan, Full of rage and fearful scorn, I have kissed thine eyes, Jokanaan, Never shalt thou see me more, I have touched thy hair, Jokanaan, Black as the cedar shades of Lebanon, I have stroked thy hair, Jokanaan, The moon hid his face from the sun, I have desired thy body, Jokanaan, White as the mountains of Judae, I have clawed thy body, Jokanaan, In the dream whereupon you lay, Now I hold thy head, Jokanaan, In my palm there is thy blood, Why dost thou lift thine eyes, Jokanaan, My chastity could have been your love.
Salome, Rabbetna Salome, Baalet Salome, Tanit Salome, Anaitis Salome, Astarte Salome, Dercerto Salome, Astoreth Salome, Mylitta Salome, Athara Salome, Elissa Salome, Tiratha Salome, Rabbetna Salome, Baalet Salome, Tanit Salome, Anaitis Salome, Astarte Salome, Dercerto Salome, Astoreth Salome, Mylitta Salome, Athara...
I have kissed thy mouth, Jokanaan, There was a bitter taste of blood, I have tasted thy lips, Jokanaan, There was a gorgeous taste of love, I have seen thine eyes, Jokanaan, Full of rage and fearful scorn, I have kissed thine eyes, Jokanaan, Never shalt thou see me more, I have touched thy hair, Jokanaan, Black as the cedar shades of Lebanon, I have stroked thy hair, Jokanaan, The moon hid his face from the sun, I have desired thy body, Jokanaan, White as the mountains of Judae, I have clawed thy body, Jokanaan, In the dream whereupon you lay, Now I hold thy head, Jokanaan, In my palm there is thy blood, Why dost thou lift thine eyes, Jokanaan, My chastity could have been your love.
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